The eyes area is the most exposed one to wrinkle formation due to external aggressive factors such as wind, frost and UV sun rays, not the mention that heredity and the skin type play an essential role. Whether you laugh, cry or simply narrow your eyes because of excessive light, wrinkles become a real issue. Thus, this face area requires special treatment with products meant to cover the needs of the very sensitive and soft tissue around the eyes. Specialists often recommend to use a special anti aging eye cream different from the regular one you apply on the rest of the face. Most of the anti aging eye creams contain CoQ10 as a basic compound, this co-enzyme has proved healing effects at the level of the face, neck and body, by offering a plus of elasticity and light to tired and decayed skin. Beside the anti wrinkle effect of CoQ10 anti aging eye creams, it has been noticed that it slows the natural oxidation process by providing firmness to the tissues. It is very well us...
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