
Eylül, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

The Dangers of Smoking

In anyone, of any age, smoking increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer. Even passive smoking has these same risks. Passive smoking puts children in a high risk group for respiratory disease such as bronchitis and asthma and can damage their development giving them educational difficulties as well as the recognised risks associated with inhaling smoke. Smoking increases the heart rates and pushes up the blood pressure because the nicotine stimulates the nervous system. It also reduces the amount of oxygen getting to the brain and thickens the blood, increasing the risk of clots leading, as already mentioned to cardiovascular disease in the form of strokes and heart attacks. The tar deposited from the smoke into the lungs clogs arteries and damages the air sacs causing shortness of breath and long-term damage. In each cigarette there are at least 4,000 chemicals and at least 60 of them are known to cause cancer. Most people will think of lung cancer as being ...

Am I Considered Overweight

The first step for weight loss is to evaluate your body weight in order to understand if you are overweight and the extent to which you’re overweight. Once you have done this, you can then proceed to chose a weight loss program that suits your unique weight loss goals and your lifestyle. Evaluating your body weight is very simple . There are two methods that most professionals use to assess body weight, and these can be easily used by individuals at home to assess their weight. These are the Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Circumference. The Body mass index (BMI)- The Body Mass Index uses an individual’s weight in relation to height to measure body fat. Using the Body Mass Index, weight is assessed using the following scale: BMI between 18.5-24.9 - Healthy WeightBMI between 25-29.9 - OverweightBMI 30 or higher - ObeseIt is important to keep in mind that not everyone whose BMI is in the “healthy” range is at their most healthy weight. Those people who carry excess fat, with ...

Is Your Diet A Headache?

There are some foods and drinks that headache and migraine sufferers should avoid. However the sad truth for people who suffer from severe headaches is that only around 20% see any benefit to a change in their diet. The things that are best left alone are the six C’s: Coffee Cola Chocolate Cheese Citrus Congeners Other foods that contain headache triggers are: Nuts and cheeses that have been aged, such as parmesan, cheddar and brie. These all contain Tyramine, an amino acid which can trigger headaches. Beer and red wine which both contain Histamines. Hotdogs, luncheon meats, cured ham, sausages and other processed meats which all contain nitrates as preservatives. Monosodium glutamate, or MSG which is in a lot of Chinese food. The ‘vaso-active’ amines in some foods are what are believed to bring on a headache or migraine. These amines enlarge the blood vessels, which press on nerves and cause pain. There is hope for chocolate lovers though. Although chocolate ...

Healing All Diseases With Thoughts And Feelings

You can only heal the body by healing the consciousness. All diseases originates from within, and therefore can only be healed from within. Medicine only facilitates healing but it does not heal. What matters is not the medicine, but rather how you think of it. All disease that manifests in the outer, physical body has arisen from within the conscious or subconscious mind. They are the effects of your thoughts and feelings. Stress is the main cause of “dis-ease” which results in a lack of ease in the mind and body. If you experience stress in your consciousness with your thoughts and emotions, it will manifest in your physical body in some way. Worry causes stress. If you worry about your health, you will remain unhealthy and your health will worsen. You do not have to make yourself healthy because health is your natural state. Your beliefs affect what your consciousness allows to manifest in your physical reality. If you believe you can “catch a disease” such as a cold, you ...

Never Keep Your Wallet in Your Back Pocket!

As doctors of chiropractic and applied kinesiologist, we have seen thousands of patients who come to us complaining of back pain and a frequent cause of their pain is their wallets. Let me explain… The pelvis is the lower most structure of the spine. I describe the pelvis as the foundation of the house with the head neck and shoulders representing the second floor. Just imagine the far reaching affects a crooked foundation can have on a house. If your pelvis is not aligned properly it can easily affect your hips, low back and even your neck. By wearing your wallet in your back pocket while sitting on it all day, the balance on your pelvis and low back can be affected. A slight change in the position of the pelvic bones will cause a stretching of tissues on one side of the body, while the opposite side is shortened and contracted. It doesn’t take long for these subtle changes to affect the body. If you sit on your wallet 8-10 hours a day eventually the body’s ability to rev...

Discover the Healing Tao Meditation Technique

Deep relaxation is an important part of meditation making it an ideal antidote to stress. Deepening meditation helps a person to develop greater awareness in situations and become more detached from disturbances. Mantak Chia, the Thai author and teacher offers the unique Healing Tao system of meditation. Instead of focusing on one point in the body such as the mid-eyebrow point, or looking at an object like a lighted candle, he teaches a method for moving energy around the body, while in a meditative state, with the aim of gradually opening energy channels. In addition to the meditation technique, Mantak Chia offers a complete system for personal development which includes healing techniques and self-defence. Though having direct teaching is the best method of learning, there are several books, tapes and DVDs available to help anyone interested. Though initially teaching in the USA, Mantak Chia has now an established retreat center in Thailand. Additionally, there are retr...

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome is not uncommonly diagnosed in patients with neck pain who also have pain down the arm, tingling and numbness and cold feeling in the affected hand. Many patients with cervical nerve root irritation will also get this diagnosis. When the diagnosis of thoracic outlet syndrome is entertained, treatment using surgery for the relief of symptoms is often discussed. Before considering surgery, patients must be treated as conservatively as possible since most of the symptoms attributed to thoracic outlet syndrome is often caused by pain and spasm of muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle from presence of multiple level cervical nerve root irritation. Therefore the need for conservative management must be underscored since many patients who undergo thoracic outlet syndrome surgery continue to be in the same degree of pain as before the surgery and some of them have even more pain than before the surgery. True nerve related thoracic outlet syndrome in the g...

Yoga - The Natural Master Of All Remedies

Yoga is practised the whole world over by people wanting to free up their mind from stress/anxiety and to strengthen their concentration pattern. Pressure from stress and a great many other disorders are some of the main reasons why people turn to yoga. And why wouldnt they when in return they gain a healthy body and a new outlook on life. Without doubt it is a force in its self to help combat anger outbursts, frustration and depression. By practising yoga under the hands of dedicated followers then you are certain of results in banishing any displeasures you may have. Yoga is very effective in the way it takes control over those displeasures and replaces them with positive thoughts. People are taking to such exercises because of the relaxed thinking pattern it imposes on the mind where all your cares and woes are put on hold. It also helps relieve those discomforts that come with every day life. Exercising your body in yoga movements is a satisfying master of all remedies ...

What is HGH?

HGH is not an anabolic steroid, but a peptide-based (protein) hormone that is much more closely related in structure to compounds like insulin than steroids. But for bodybuilders, the important thing about GH is that it does produce effects comparable to anabolic steroids. Growth Hormone is a powerful anabolic compound that has been proven to increase lean muscle in both athletes and medical patients alike. GH also helps speed up body fat loss and increases energy levels. GH has been called a master hormone and the “fountain” of youth because of its effects on combating the overall decline in health that accompanies aging. Many clinics that specialize in longevity regularly prescribe HGH as a way for people to regain their youth and health effects. It is also administered to promote growth in children who are deficient. GH is available in a variety of different sources, but since the molecule is so delicate and temperature sensitive it should only be administered by injecti...

General Information About Appendicitis

The affection known as appendicitis means in fact the inflammation of the appendix, the smallest and shortest part of the large intestine hanging on the right side of the Ilion. Although its importance in the human body only lies in containing parts of the lymphoid system, it can easily become ill and cause major problems if not treated. Without a surgical intervention at the right time, the appendix can get infected, break open or can even lead to death. Around 1 of 500 persons makes appendicitis every year. The most common occurrence of appendicitis is due to a viral infection inside the intestines or to a foreign body blocking the connection between appendix and Ilion. The inflammation in the appendix can cause major damages for the entire organism; it can get infected, can ease the formation of blood clots and can perforate affecting the entire peritoneum. Appendicitis is a surgical emergency! Anyone with the following symptoms should see a surgeon as soon as possible: 1....

Hoodia Gordonii - One Reason To Take It

When Hoodia was discovered the very first animal trials to test it was with Rats. The rats that were fed with Hoodia stopped eating completely. Rats are well know as animals that will eat anything and everything. Can you believe that an animal who loves to eat anything simply switched off its desire to eat, even when foods that rats love were placed in front of them. When the first clinical human trial was conducted with Hoodia, several morbidly obese people were placed in a unit which was a closed off area were all that they could do was to read, watch television, interact with each other, and of course eat. Half the people were given Hoodia Gordonii to take, and half were given a placebo. After fifteen days, the group that had been taking Hoodia Gordonii had reduced their calorie intake by 1000 calories a day - despite taking no exercise and not being on a diet This is due to the active ingredient in Hoodia Gordonii, the molecule known as P57, as it imitates the effects tha...

Wearing Cologne

Walk into any nightclub, and you’re bound to catch a drift of some guy’s cologne. Men today use cologne just as women use makeup or perfume-to enhance their attraction. But did you know that in the early days people used cologne instead of bathing? Cologne was invented in the 1700s, primarily to be used in bath water. Strangely, it was also used as mouthwash and sometimes even as an enema! People believed cologne could cure just about any ailment. Cologne manufacturers even marketed it this way. Fortunately, we know more about science and medicine than our forefathers, and most of us will probably never take a sip of our favorite cologne. Back in the18th century, people didn’t bathe nearly as often as they do today. Perfume and cologne were necessities to cover up body odor. Cologne was also used to spruce up the odor of different rooms in a house. (Remember, this was before the days of plug-in scents and fragrant candles.) What a different status these fragrances hold in t...

Anti Aging Eye Cream

The eyes area is the most exposed one to wrinkle formation due to external aggressive factors such as wind, frost and UV sun rays, not the mention that heredity and the skin type play an essential role. Whether you laugh, cry or simply narrow your eyes because of excessive light, wrinkles become a real issue. Thus, this face area requires special treatment with products meant to cover the needs of the very sensitive and soft tissue around the eyes. Specialists often recommend to use a special anti aging eye cream different from the regular one you apply on the rest of the face. Most of the anti aging eye creams contain CoQ10 as a basic compound, this co-enzyme has proved healing effects at the level of the face, neck and body, by offering a plus of elasticity and light to tired and decayed skin. Beside the anti wrinkle effect of CoQ10 anti aging eye creams, it has been noticed that it slows the natural oxidation process by providing firmness to the tissues. It is very well us...

What is Osteoporosis?

The word ‘osteoporosis’ literally means ‘porous bone’. It is a condition where a person gradually loses bone material so that his or her bones gradually become more fragile. As a result, they are more likely to break. Bone is made of fibres of a material called collagen filled in with minerals - mainly calcium salts - rather like reinforced concrete. The bones of the skeleton have a thick outer shell or ‘cortex’ inside which there is a meshwork of ‘trabecular’ bone. Causes Our bones grow during childhood and adolescence and are at their strongest around the age of 20. They remain in this state from the age 20 to 35. As middle age approaches the bones - while remaining strong - very gradually begin to lose their density. This loss or thinning of the bones continues as we get older. The process speeds up in women in the ten years after the menopause. This is because the ovaries stop producing the female sex hormone oestrogen - and oestrogen is one of the substances that hel...

Enhance Your Already Perfect Penis By Shaving It

Shaving on and around the penis is being done by males not just for surgery anymore. Just take a look around the locker room the next time you’re at the gym. Today’s males say shaving the pubic hairs on and around their penis is a way to feel fresh and look neat and clean. And cleanly shaving their shaft allows a condom to slip on and off much easier. These are very good reasons to support shaving the penis indeed. But - If a male is being totally honest, he’ll tell you that he is shaving his pubic hair because it gives his penis the appearance of being larger and it gets a lot more, ahem, attention when it’s cleanly shaved. So for those of you males who are interested - Here are a few things you should know before shaving on and around your penis: 1) Never start shaving your penis unless you’re sober and fully alert. The pubic area is much more sensitive than your face, which means it’s much easier to hurt yourself, so you want your wits about you. 2) And while penis...