Am I Considered Overweight
The first step for weight loss is to evaluate your body weight in order to understand if you are overweight and the extent to which you’re overweight. Once you have done this, you can then proceed to chose a weight loss program that suits your unique weight loss goals and your lifestyle.
Evaluating your body weight is very simple . There are two methods that most professionals use to assess body weight, and these can be easily used by individuals at home to assess their weight. These are the Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Circumference.
The Body mass index (BMI)- The Body Mass Index uses an individual’s weight in relation to height to measure body fat. Using the Body Mass Index, weight is assessed using the following scale:
BMI between 18.5-24.9 - Healthy WeightBMI between 25-29.9 - OverweightBMI 30 or higher - ObeseIt is important to keep in mind that not everyone whose BMI is in the “healthy” range is at their most healthy weight. Those people who carry excess fat, with little muscle, need to concentrate on losing body fat and increasing muscle. Some people may have a BMI just above the healthy range, but have lots of muscle and little fat. Generally speaking, however, the higher the BMI measure beyond the “healthy” range, the greater the health risks associated with body weight.
Those people with a BMI above the healthy range should visit a health care practitioner to discuss potential weight related health risks.
Waist circumference
Waist circumference is a measurement taken around the waist. Waist circumference introduces another factor relevant to body weight and health risks, namely body shape. “Apple” shapes carry most of their fat around the waist and upper body. “Pear” shapes carry most of their body fat around the hips, thighs and lower body. When assessing health risks, most health care providers consider a pear shape to be less harmful to health than apple shape, due to the fact that most apple shapes carry excess weight around the abdomen which increases health risks associated with overweight and obesity.
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